Reporting and Parents Evening

Reporting and Parents Evenings

How we will report progress to parents and carers:-

  • Bi-termly progress reports will be issued at the end of Term 2 and 4
  • Annual student full report will be issued in Term 6 (Term 5 for Year 11 students)

You are invited into the Campus to meet with key teaching staff to discuss your child’s progress at regular intervals throughout the academic year. Across all key stages and sites of the Voyage Learning Campus these meetings are carried out three times throughout the year. As and when necessary, other meetings may also be called to discuss particular issues.

The regular review meetings are generally scheduled as follows:-

  • At the end of Term 2 (December)
  • At the end of Term 4 (March/April)
  • At the end of the academic year -Term 6 (July)

These review meetings are to allow you the opportunity to find out the progress your child has made in the previous two terms and to discuss with key teaching staff any worries or concerns you may have. The meetings are also an opportunity for teaching staff to explain how you can support your child’s learning. You will receive a report detailing your child’s progression before the meetings so that you have the opportunity to prepare any questions you may have prior to your visit. Going to these meetings takes time and organisation and it is important that you make the most of the time available to you with the teachers. To ensure you get the most out of the meetings here are a few suggestions:-

  • Make sure you have already thought of any questions you may wish to ask in advance
  • It is appreciated if parents/carers are on time for their meetings as with a large number of students to see, we want to ensure everyone gets sufficient time with teachers to discuss their young person
  • Please be patient if a teacher is running late
  • Remember that reviewing a child’s learning is a two-way process and that it’s important that teachers and parents/carers listen carefully to each other’s point of view. It helps teachers and parents/carers to share information and knowledge about the child
  • The meetings are a supportive way of sharing information between parents/carers and teachers. We also encourage parents/carers to use this as an opportunity to ask questions so please, don’t feel too embarrassed to ask anything that you feel is appropriate
  • Try to come away from the meeting with some positive steps that you, your child and the teachers will take to help your child to succeed, not only within the Campus but also at home and socially. Targets are usually set, agreed and recorded at the meetings to help with this.

Teachers & Key staff may talk about your child’s:-

  • General progress
  • Performance in specific subjects
  • Attendance
  • Attitude to the Campus and staff
  • Behaviour
  • Awards and certificates gained
  • Individual Education Plans (IEP's)
  • Transition plans - if your child is to return to a mainstream school or due to move to another centre within The Voyage Learning Campus

You may wish to tell the teaching staff about:-

  • Any changes at home
  • Things your child does/doesn't like
  • General attitude at home
  • Things your child enjoys and/or finds difficult
  • Special interests which he/she enjoys
  • Any worries or concerns you may have or that your child may have voiced
  • How you are trying to help

Please remember your child and their future is both our concern and your concern. So please try to always attend these valuable meetings.

Also please remember you can contact us at any time throughout the year by telephone to discuss your child if you have any concerns or worries, or to give us any relevant information that can help us.