Safer Internet Day 2022 - RCCU WM
For the first time, the West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit (RCCU WM) have sponsored Safer Internet Day - Tuesday, 8th February 2022. Please find the pre-recorded sessions aimed at Secondary School pupils discussing topics on protecting your personal information, how and where to get help, making positive Cyber Choices and what career and development opportunities are available to them.
Joined by industry partners in the School of Coding, included is a video talking to young people about being respectful online, cyber bullying and mental health. We have created a Kahoot quiz that we also hope schools will find useful as well as a survey to complete to provide us with feedback around improvements we can make ahead of next year's event.
- RCCU WM Website:
- Kahoot Quiz -
- Survey -
For more support from your local Regional Cyber Crime Unit, please find them here: